Getting Off North Carolina Workers’ Compensation and Getting Back To Work: Crucial Tips

January 17, 2011, by Michael A. DeMayo

Injured or sick workers who are forced to rely on North Carolina workers’ compensation benefits to pay for medical care, surgical bills, and replacement wages often spend a tremendous amount of energy battling their employers and insurance companies to get fair payment and appropriate treatment. Simultaneously, they must reconfigure their family budgets, repurpose their careers, and manage various medical costs, drugs, and procedures.

If you or someone you care about has been swamped by this kind of chaos, you likely empathize with how difficult it can be to “right one’s ship.” Moreover, aiming merely for a return to the status quo before you got hurt/sick is kind of dispiriting. You would much rather aim for something better than what you had before you got sick or injured. But is striving for greatness really possible when you must confront a gauntlet of face pesky insurance rules and medication side effects?

This essay attempts to rekindle your hope that a better life is possible – not just a return to “normal” but actually an elevation to a better state of mind, work, life, and financial possibilities.

First things first, it’s important to accept precisely where you are now in your life, financially, physically, and psychologically. “Accepting” doesn’t necessarily mean agreeing that this should be your ultimate reality – it simply means acknowledging what’s true now. One good method to clear your head is to use the productivity system developed by best-selling author David Allen. In his book Getting Things Done (GTD), Allen recommends that individuals make a total and comprehensive inventory of “open loops” — anything in your life that’s bothering you or that has a grasp on your attention in any way. Once you have everything out of your head and onto a written form – a Microsoft Word document will do – then it becomes infinitely easier to process this information and organize what to do with it next.

Another powerful method to help you deal with your North Carolina workers’ compensation issues – or any other problems in your life – is to spend some time envisioning “best case” scenarios. Imagine yourself in the future from a place of great success. What does your life look like? How do you feel? Where do you work? What’s happened to your injuries? How have you dealt with your insurer and/or employer? How have you managed the anger, confusion, and overwhelm about the accident? Once you have a vision of your success, it becomes a lot easier for you to figure out how to get there.

This may sound like a lot of homework – and it certainly is — but it’s also empowering work. When you’ve been knocked off your game by an injury or a workplace accident or illness, it becomes all too easy to mope around in self pity, confusion, and helplessness. You can go numb to your actual life and ignore potential useful advice. These kinds of written exercises – getting stuff out of your head onto an objective format for easy review and envisioning ultimate success without prejudging your vision – can make an enormous difference not just in terms of your actual on the ground success but also in terms of your psychological state.

On a more practical note, if you are struggling to deal with an insurer or an employer or a confusing series of forms, don’t struggle alone. Get help from a responsive and compassionate North Carolina workers’ compensation law firm right now.

More Web Resouces:

Getting Things Done

Power of Intention